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Los Anjeles
Saturday, April 27, 2024


The shutdown of TikTok USA: A golden oppurtunity for the Metaverse & Web3 Ecosystem

The shutdown of TikTok USA: A golden oppurtunity for the Metaverse & Web3 Ecosystem So, ByteDance the parent company of TikTok has said that instead of selling its US Arm,...

Tim Draper at The Paris Blockchain Week 2024

Tim Draper at The Paris Blockchain Week 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmWgsF_5m8Q&t=3s You be the arbiter of the truth...

Upland Metaverse Paris Meetup – Paris Blockchain Week Side Event

Upland Metaverse Paris Meetup - Paris Blockchain Week Side Event Upland.Me Metaverse, also known simply...

Metaverse News: What are Layer 1 and Layer 2 in the Upland Metaverse?

Metaverse News: What are Layer 1 and Layer 2 in the Upland Metaverse? Layer 1 Layer 1 is simply put the most basic infrastructure layer provided...

Metaverse News: China-Taiwan war could be disastrous for the Metaverse & Web3 Mass Adoption, and the answer is Brazil, India and South Africa

Metaverse News: China-Taiwan war could be disastrous for the Metaverse & Web3 Mass Adoption, and the answer is Brazil, India and South Africa We all...

Metaverse News: Upland Metaverse has reinvented itself into Upland 3.0

Metaverse News: Upland Metaverse has reinvented itself into Upland 3.0 On 27 April 2023, at 09:00 Pacific Standard Time Uplandme, Inc. the Parent company behind...

METAVERSE YANGILIKLARI: Uplandning navbatdagi sport aloqasi

METAVERSE YANGILIKLARI: Uplandning navbatdagi sport aloqasi Metaverse yangiliklari: Upland Rio-de-Janeyro, Braziliya deb e'lon qilingan kuni birinchi xalqaro shahar mish-mishlari tarqala boshladi ...

Metaverse News: Metaverse nima? Metaverse haqidagi yagona maqola siz o'qishingiz kerak bo'ladi

Metaverse News: Metaverse nima? Metaverse haqidagi yagona maqola Metaverse News-ni o'qish uchun kerak bo'ladi: Metaverse - bu 3D virtual tarmog'i...

Metaverse News: Zee Entertainment filmlar, teleko'rsatuvlar va veb-seriyalardagi NFTlar bilan metaversega sho'ng'iydi 

Metaverse News: Zee Entertainment To Dive into The Metaverse with NFTs From Films, TV Shows, And Web Series ZEE's major aim is trying to...

Tog'li ikkilamchi bozor USD Qavat narxi Metaverse Land uchun $100,000 gacha ko'tariladi!

Upland Secondary Market USD Floor price rises to $100,000 per Metaverse Land! So, the moment that everyone in the upland metaverse has been waiting for...

Investitsiya qilish uchun 7 ta eng yaxshi metaverse aktsiyalari 

7 Best Metaverse Stocks to Invest In  Author Neal Stephenson created the word "metaverse" in 1992, describing technologies that will someday leave the fictitious realm...

UFC afsonasi Amanda Nunes The Sports Metaversega kirdi. Nima sababdan bilib oling?

  UFC afsonasi Amanda Nunes The Sports Metaversega kirdi. Sababini bilib oling? Ultimate Fighting Championship aralash yakkakurashlar tashkiloti boÊ»lib,...

Meta kompaniyasi bo'lgan Facebook o'zining birinchi do'koni va korporativ vositalarini birinchi marta ko'rib chiqadi

Facebook, a Meta-owned company, gives a first peek at its first store and enterprise tools CALIFORNIA, BURLINGAME – Meta Platforms, which owns Facebook, launched its...

Nega Metaverse-da er sotib olishingiz kerak?

Why you should buy land in the Metaverse   The metaverse is one of the most popular concepts in technology right now. The metaverse is a...

Bitta metaverse mavjudmi? Yoki ularning soni?

Will one metaverse exist? Or a number of them?   Facebook has made building the metaverse one of its biggest priorities. It's generally defined as online environments where...

Metaverse haqida hamma narsa

  All about The Metaverse      Today's technology evolves at a breakneck speed, allowing for more rapid development and advancement and speeding up the rate of change....

Bizni kuzatib boring
