ሎስ አንጀለስ
Monday, April 29, 2024

MSJ የዜና ክፍል

Metaverse News፡ Zee Entertainment ከፊልሞች፣ የቲቪ ትዕይንቶች እና የድር ተከታታዮች በNFTs ወደ Metaverse ለመዝለቅ 

Metaverse News: Zee Entertainment To Dive into The Metaverse with NFTs From Films, TV Shows, And Web Series ZEE's major aim is trying to...

7 Best Metaverse Stocks to Invest In 

7 Best Metaverse Stocks to Invest In  Author Neal Stephenson created the word "metaverse" in 1992, describing technologies that will someday leave the fictitious realm...

አማንዳ ኑነስ፣ የ UFC አፈ ታሪክ ወደ ስፖርት ሜታቨርስ ገባ። ለምን እንደሆነ ይወቁ?

  Amanda Nunes, a UFC legend entered The Sports Metaverse. Find out why? The Ultimate Fighting Championship is a mixed martial arts organization established within the...

ፌስቡክ በሜታ ባለቤትነት የተያዘው ኩባንያ የመጀመሪያውን ሱቅ እና የድርጅት መሳሪያዎችን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ እይታ ሰጥቷል

Facebook, a Meta-owned company, gives a first peek at its first store and enterprise tools CALIFORNIA, BURLINGAME – Meta Platforms, which owns Facebook, launched its...

ምርጥ የኤንኤፍቲ የገበያ ቦታዎች እና የትኛው ለእርስዎ እንደሚሰራ እንዴት እንደሚመርጡ?

Best NFT Marketplaces and how to choose which one works for you? An NFT marketplace is the platform where users will be able to buy...

ለምን በ Metaverse ውስጥ መሬት መግዛት አለብዎት?

Why you should buy land in the Metaverse   The metaverse is one of the most popular concepts in technology right now. The metaverse is a...

አንድ ሜታቨርስ ይኖር ይሆን? ወይስ ቁጥራቸው?

Will one metaverse exist? Or a number of them?   Facebook has made building the metaverse one of its biggest priorities. It's generally defined as online environments where...

ሁሉም ስለ Metaverse

  All about The Metaverse      Today's technology evolves at a breakneck speed, allowing for more rapid development and advancement and speeding up the rate of change....

