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Saturday, July 27, 2024

METAVERSE NEWS: The reason why upland consistently under promises and over-delivers!

UplandMETAVERSE NEWS: The reason why upland consistently under promises and over-delivers!

METAVERSE NEWS: The reason why upland consistently under promises and over-delivers!

In this Metaverse News, at this moment everyone is pretty familiar with Upland Metaverse and the fact that it has just under 250,000 unique land owners as of Upland’s Genesis week as confirmed by Idan, with a clear eye on 1 Million from Idan Zuckerman, Co-Founder of Upland.

Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

As a person who has been in upland and has been following upland for a very long time. It begs to ask this question:

Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

“Why does Upland consistently underpromise and overachieve? What are the team doing that puts them a class apart from the ‘hyped metaverses’ and why its a benefit?”

Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

A famous saying is that the Cockroach will survive a nuclear winter. The analogy portrays that an underdog, perceived as the underdog by society has an inherent advantage in surviving longer and thriving. As they are discounted with floccinaucinihilipilification and their achievements are often overlooked.

Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

Despite upland being the #1 Metaverse by unique land owners, if you talk to any “influencers” or “Metaverse Experts” they don’t even know about upland. The smart ones do, but the ones who follow hype do not. If one was to talk to Cathy Hackl she surely does, there is a reason she wrote “Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World” with Dirk, Yat Siu, Tommaso, John, and not the hyped founders of Meme Metaverses.

Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

This begs us at The Metaverse Street Journal  to ask the question what is it that Upland is doing that’s different from the rest of the Metaverses which makes them so successful:

  1. No Frills On-Ramp & Off-Ram:
    Unlike the hyped crypto bros, Upland understands crypto is NOT needed for the Metaverse. It helps, and they do accept crytpo using Tilia Pay, however at the same time, they do not alienate folks who are not comfortable with using crypto and thus allow using Credit Card, Debit Card, Online Banking, or various other Mobile payment Gateways using PayPal, Apple Appstore, Google Play Store. Upland is ironically one of the few Metaverses because of this factor that which has a diverse Demographic – be it age, background, country, religion – Fiat on-ramp and Off-Ramp is paying Dividends to Upland Metaverse.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  2. 1 Land for free to everyone and anyone:
    Upland has long been a proponent of one of their strongest ethos which is that every player should be given at least one land for free when they arrive in the upland metaverse community and are expected to add at least some money from their end or earn to get their networth to 10,000 UPX to become an Uplander. For a new player, this is literally the best thing.
  3. Hype less community
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  4. Critics are not silenced but welcomed, unlike crypto projects:
    So, this not only projects confidence but also shows maturity in the Upland Development Team and the community. If you criticize upland you will NOT be labelled as a “FUDder” you cannot say that about majority of the crypto and crypto linked NFT & Metaverse Projects. Yes, some critics who spam the discord with same message day in day out are issued a warning and only after repeated offenced are banned from the discord. The majority of UCN (Upland Community Network) moderators and the Upland team are pretty nice and open folks who welcome and would acknowledge a few faults and shortcomings in the Upland Metaverse and we acknowledge it, the team doesnt try to hide it. For example, we are NOT able to rent out land to a third party the team is working on it, if someone is impatient and going off insulting someone for not providing it despite the team acknowledging yes, its in the pipeline but would take a few months then that’s just being horrible. The Upland team is trying their best, are they perfect? Absolutely, No! but you know what they Deliver on everything they promise, they may take time, which is fine, but they ALWAYS DELIVER!

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  5. The Team is Doxxed:
    We clearly know the Executive Team from Yat Siu, Dirk Lueth, Idan Zuckerman, Mani Honigstein, to Kai Bolik, Riz Virk, and Michael Terpin. To the Team: David, Timur, Shelby, Kelsey, Nicolas, Lindsay, Tommaso, Danny, Danial, John S., Sam, John A., Juan, Tati, Lisette, and many many more, we have unfortunately only mentioned the ones we have talked to but we acknowledge there is a huge team executing and keeping upland awesome. We could not list everyone, but there has been an absolutely amazing number of team members from the upland team and the community leaders who are nothing less than knights in shining armor who bless us in silence with no public recognition day in and day out, and we at The Metaverse Street Journal acknowledge and respect them. They are the silent heroes who keep the Metaverse Moving.

    Metaverse News: The reason why upland consistently under promises and over-delivers!
    Metaverse News: The reason why upland consistently under promises and over-delivers!
  6. UPX is NOT a Crypto and they steer clear of the SEC and its potential wrath:
    Every time the crypto is in a downturn people always thank their living stars that Upland is not a Listed Crypto. It takes a deeper look to understand why UPX is not a listed crypto currency. It starts with the fact that the moment you do that you put yourself in the firing line of the Government especially the DOJ and SEC in America. Upland would risk facing the brunt of their wrath for absolutely no reason.Also, with crypto you have the added risk of standard deviation (volatility) of the market price of your assets based on market factors. You can also have the same in Upland however with a lot less speculators and hackers who are not able too take as much advantage. Thus, all in all UPX not being a listed Crypto, is a feature not a bug as proven time and time again.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  7. Decades worth of combined experience from Dirk Lueth, Idan Zuckerman, Mani Honigstein & Yat Siu:
    It takes some Due Diligence skills to acknowledge and find out that Dirk Lueth, Idan Zuckerman, Mani Honigstein & Yat Siu have been at the forefront of their respective Niche. Upland Founders have been thought leaders in the gaming as well as the casino industry, and Yat Siu of Animoca Brands has been head of Atari for Germany. It doesn’t take one to be a rocket scientist to realize that team is literally one of the most humble and smartest shop on the block and just the executives combined bring a few decades of experience to the table.
  8. The upland team is optimistic yet humble
    The upland team is one of the few companies that are doing it right. They are a San Francisco startup, and not trying to hide or cheat others. They know when to put their head down and get the work done. In fact, Upland is one of the only Metaverses where the executive actually addresses you directly at times and does listen to you. It feels more of a dialogue and less of a monologue.
    In the famous words of Paul Graham the founder of Y Combinator & YC Motto “Make Something People Want” Upland really believes and follows that.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  9. UPX is not a tradeable shitcoin:
    We don’t need to tell people what has happened with GMT/GST & STEPN or Sand or Mana or Gala or AXS tokens. At this time, everyone in Upland is thanking their lucky stars for the genius leadership of our very own 4 Horsemen – Dirk, Idan, Mani, and Yat each one complementing one other. In fact, their points about the reason why it’s not tradeable security are 100% valid.Listing UPX attracts added government scrutiny with not enough risk-to-reward ratio. Also, listing UPX alienates, everyone who is not a crypto maxi. Who wants to be part of technological advancement without being at the mercy of speculators. Finally, it’s not listed to not allow speculators and hackers to exploit the Upland economy and community, similar to how we have recently seen with Ronin Attacks on Axie Infinity (another Animoca Brands portfolio company) and STEPN

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  10. Collaboration with Cathy Hackl and other Metaverse Thought Leaders
    Everyone in the Upland community who has been here for a while knows that the book “Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World” was co-authored by 5 authors. 4 of which are from the Upland community and Cathy Hackl.
    It doesn’t take a genius to realize why the “Grandmother of the Metaverse” is working with Upland Metaverse.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  11. Daily Baby steps lead to a long-term paradigm shift:
    Upland takes small steps on a very regular basis to create a long-term lasting impact. Instead of trying to offer the next world’s greatest wonder the week after they are very realistic and do small but significant baby steps on an almost daily basis that snowball into something huge and in the end they create a new paradigm shift. Whether it’s a new city release, cars, 3D they are always at the forefront of innovation in the metaverse.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  12. They listen to the community (we may sometimes need to repeat ourselves many times but eventually they do listen to us)
    Upland listens to the community, be it cars, utility, spark exchange, fiat out, daily login spark bonus. The Upland executives always listen to the community and it shows. In fact, you can DM them and yes, it may take some time for them to reply back but they always do.
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  13. They have a diverse team
    Upland has a diverse team and it shows, not only from various backgrounds but even from various perspectives and various walks of life. With two confirmed international teams basis in Ukraine and Brazil. They surely, have a very global and inclusive way to growth and building the Upland Metaverse

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  14. Upland values, people who challenge their perspectives rather than yes men or women and it shows it in their team make-up:
    Whether you look at the Brazil team, Squallmuzza or GeneralMort, LightitUpDan or Sheebaverse or Lisette, or X1 or Tati or any of the other team members. Seldom can people say they are the same “yes men and women” that toe the party line. They all seem like controlled healthy rebels – that challenge the status quo and therefore deliver excellence. For anyone who attended or watched the Genesis week events. Each one of the team members is a community leader in their own regard. Be it twitch streams with Squallmuzza & Dan or YouTube with X1 & General Mort. They are leaders of their own Micro Department in their own Regards and the best thing is that it shows!

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  15. Upland Executives let the team be creative, and just give macro directions instead of micro-managing:
    That’s the David vs Goliath strength of a startup in which Upland is strategizing, they let their team members have strategic autonomy to be creative. They give the team basic redlines but after that, the team is free to execute within those guardrails in their own creative ways and be unique and innovative.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  16. Upland Community:
    They allow the community to take a Leadership stance, especially with the 3rd party developer tools now be it LoylDoyl or Uplando or RadishHead or Mossijake or House of Spark. Upland tries to help instead of being a hurdle in the way of innovation. Most other Metaverses could learn this from upland and act with and for for the community instead of always imposing their own will.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
  17. They are not afraid to ask for help
    Be it the hackathon, designing structural ornaments, cars, or Block Explorers. Upland isn’t afraid to raise their hand and say look people here is what we want to do, but we are not experts in this field will you help us? and that ties down to the humility of the executives as well as the team. They do ask for help, and help is indeed given by an absolutely amazing community. Instead of faking as a perfect demy god creator as if the team was the last angel god-made like most other Crypto, NFT, and Metaverse projects act like. Upland keeps it real. Upland has its good days, sometimes not-so-good days, and sometimes absolutely amazing days. Are they perfect? Far from it, but they are trying their best and they are letting us help them. So, let’s celebrate the Upland Team, the ENTIRE Upland Team all over the World! The people who keep the Metaverse going.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

That being said, here are a few things we hope Upland takes note of, we at MSJ were among the early adopters of Clubhouse and saw it transform from a fringe tech geek community to a mainstream platform. Here are a few things they did that Upland would be wise to replicate:

  1. Weekly Town hall with 2 way Q&A
    When Paul, Rohan, and Anu started this for clubhouse it we all would religiously attend it. It helps have a better connection with the roadmap and development of the platform. Upland should have a regular Town hall to discuss with the community, even the smaller changes that upland is instituting, where the community members are allowed to introduce themselves and maybe explain their problems or suggestions directly to the executive team. It does not need to be a massive weekly townhall but one in which the community can actually ask questions 1-on-1 from the team. This adds trust and a community/family feeling, and our bet at The Metaverse Street Journal is that this will also increase the Daily Active Users!
  2. Upland Supported Meet-ups:
    If Vegas taught us something that we are social beings after the COVID-19 Pandemic we are longing for real-life interaction. It doesn’t take much for a community-led Meet-up backed by upland. Be it London, Paris, Dubai, Hong Kong, Delhi, Singapore, or Sydney. We can always start creating an experience more than just a game. This will also help Upland with its international expansion strategy as you already have a team ready to help you with your international expansions. You are Welcomed to your international expansion strategy Upland. Community-led Meet-ups are the way. Upland should work with International support ambassadors who help build a strong community around the world. A local chapter in each hub city that has at least 1 meet-up every month. That builds a community.

    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
    Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “be the change you want to see”. Keeping in line with that, it is our aim to see a better and improved version of Upland. So, we try to make it a reality.

Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!
Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!

Finally, as a parting thought, this article is not only about upland but also to Celebrate each and every member of the Upland Team, including the ones who could not be there at the vegas event be it SquallMuzza, LightItUpDan, or the entire team in Ukraine, Lisette and everyone who worked remotely and tirelessly behind the scenes who were not present at the Vegas Genesis week, but who make the whole experience run smoothly and better.

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