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Electionverse: Donald Trump enters the Metaverse! Find out why?

BREAKING NEWSElectionverse: Donald Trump enters the Metaverse! Find out why?

Electionverse: Donald John Trump enters the Metaverse! Find out why?

On 11/4/2020, 4:36:51 AM upland player Nichiren minted 721 5TH AVE, Manhattan for for 2,600,000 UPX.

721 5TH AVE, Manhattan
721 5TH AVE, Manhattan

721 5TH AVE, Manhattan – is the Trump Tower in Mid Town New York and this was an ultra-rare landmark property that at the time of minting was minted with the promise that it will have Trump Towers built in the Upland Metaverse.

Trump Tower under Construction in Upland Metaverse
Trump Tower under Construction in Upland Metaverse

As we speak the Trump Towers located at 721 5TH AVE, Manhattan is being constructed and as of writing this article, it has 15 Days and 18 Hours left till this mega launch event of the Landmark Trump Towers in the Upland Metaverse.

Trump Tower Launch Due Date
Trump Tower Launch Due Date

It should be a Bigly event!

This is an event that would be covered with a lot of attention from around the world.

The Upland community has an active Rumour that Donald Trump or his close aides may already own this or are actively seeking to be in front of the queue to buy this property once completed.

If Donald Trump buys this, it could be the next frontier for Election Tech and we could see one of the first Election campaigns being held in the Metaverse by non-other than Donald Trump.

It is unclear whether Trump and the Republican party would use this in the 2022 mid-term elections, due to be held in November, or the more realistic 2024 Presidential Election.

It is no surprise that Donald Trump and the Republican party would consider running and campaigning for re-election in the Metaverse. In fact, Donald Trump and his aides have been at the forefront of using Technological Advancement to aid their election success. After all, they had used Behavioural Analytics by Cambridge Analytica to run their campaign on Facebook.

Trump 2024
Trump 2024

As of right now, it is unclear if President Joe Biden or the Democrat Party of the USA is considering entering the Upland Metaverse to counterbalance an active campaign by the Republican Party.

Save America Again 2024 Campaign by Donald Trump
Save America Again 2024 Campaign by Donald Trump

It is no secret that GenZ and Millenials are sending time in the Metaverse and if the next breed of Politicians has to gain a foothold and an added advantage it would be in the Metaverse.

We at The Metaverse Street Journal – propose to coin a new term called “Electionverse” to use Metaverse in order to run election campaigns and to connect with voters.

Joe Biden vs Donald Trump 2024 Election
Joe Biden vs Donald Trump 2024 Election

Upland currently has 200,000 unique landowners – If Electionverse is to happen it would happen in Upland as Upland is the Metaverse with the most amount unique users and that is despite the exodus, following the recent crypto-stock market downturn.

The ability to campaign to 200,000 voters is not one that should be taken lightly. Any smart campaign aide helping in either side’s election strategy would have to be full of hubris to not capitalize on this situation.

Upland Metaverse and Metaverse specifically may be at the heart of the Save America Again Campaign of Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Election.

Only time will tell how the Electionverse turns out, but if there is one takeaway that should be taken from this article. It is that Democratic National Committee (DNC) which is President Joe Biden’s party – should also buy land in the Upland Metaverse.

If we at The Metaverse Street Journal can offer a piece of advice to the Democratic Party, it would be to formulate a Web3 and specifically Metaverse strategy, specially Upland Metaverse as failure to get ahead of this may mean a structural body blow to the effectiveness of their campaign or their “Electionverse Strategy“.

We reached out to the spokesperson of both the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well as the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for a comment but we did not receive a reply back.

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