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Here is what happened at Overton Oversubscribe: Metaverse!

UplandHere is what happened at Overton Oversubscribe: Metaverse!

On May 10, 2022, Overton Venture Capital organized an exclusive Online event with Dirk Lueth of Uplandme, Inc. and exclusive thought Leaders from across the World.

1 Million Properties sold in Upland Metaverse
1 Million Properties sold in Upland Metaverse

Official Invite said “Join us on May 10 at Noon ET when Dirk Lueth, CEO of Upland.me and co-author of “Navigating the Metaverse”, talks about why so many companies and brands are investing billions of dollars in the metaverse. Come learn about Upland’s launch of their own NFT metaverse that is mapped to the real world. This “spotlight” will be moderated by Overton Co-founder and General Partner, Kerry Leigh Miller, who recently spoke with CNBC about her own views on the topic.”

Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Pos sibilities in a Web 3.0 World by Cathy Hackl, Dirk Lueth, Tommaso Di Bartolo, John Arkontaky and Yat Siu
Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World by Cathy Hackl, Dirk Lueth, Tommaso Di Bartolo, John Arkontaky, and Yat Siu

The Metaverse Street Journal got unfettered access to this event to see what the Venture Capital and the Smart Money Investors were thinking about the Metaverse Niche and how they were approaching innovation by Upland Metaverse.

Dirk Lueth, Co-Founder of Upland Metaverse
Dirk Lueth, Co-Founder of Upland Metaverse

Dirk Touched upon quite a few existing roadmap milestones and gave The Metaverse Street Journal and the other participants an update on a few upcoming Milestones.

Kerry Leigh Miller - Co-Founder of Overton Venture Capital
Kerry Leigh Miller – Co-Founder of Overton Venture Capital

The Co-Founder of Overton Venture Capital and the host of this Event Kerry Leigh Miller clearly steered the event and talked to Dirk coming from a standpoint of thought leadership in the Metaverse Space itself. If you missed this event it was rather a sort of Mini DAVOS for Metaverse or what some may classify as “Metaverse Economic Forum”.

In the discussion between Kerry and Dirk we found some great gems of information that may be of interest to various stakeholders:

New Milestones Confirmed:

  1. BREAKING NEWS: Dirk confirmed he is in Europe, following the Germany Meetup. He indeed confirmed the news that all international community members were hoping for he is attending Sports Innovation Program 2022.Our sources tell us that this new development and new sports are heading towards the Upland Metaverse and may surprise the Upland Metaverse Community.

Update on Previous Milestones:

  1. Interoperability: Upland is working on interoperability with Ethereum Blockchain and other blockchains, so you can export and import your NFT’s to and from Upland Metaverse and we should see something concrete by the end of this year. These interoperability capabilities are already in Beta with a Wax Project.

    Interoperability in the Metaverse
    Upland announces Interoperability in the Metaverse
  2. Cars: As previously confirmed, cars are in the factory being worked on in the production line with M-Motors, despite the rising inflation and semiconductor shortages in the real world, the metaverse has no such problems. So, Upland M-Motor Cars are on track to be launched shortly.

    MMotors - Bringing Cars to the Metaverse!
    MMotors – Bringing Cars to the Metaverse!

Finally, I got to ask Dirk a question, on the way how we perceive Web 1 and Web 2 is more through a domain name URL and you build a website on top of it.

In Web 3, similar to Web 1 and Web 2, if our starting point would be to build a commercial establishment our starting point would be to procure our desired domain name for commercial activities, wouldn’t then Metaverse Land be equivalent of Domain Name URL’s in The 3D Web 3 world?

In answering this question, Dirk clearly offered his opinion that in the Web 3.0 Revolution Domain names are a dying breed. Similar to how Apple iPods cannibalized the Walkman industry.

In a 3D Internet world, Dirk said and I, Tan, agree, “That in future you won’t give your Domain URL instead you would give your co-ordinates like it is in Decentraland, or Address in Upland, most Metaverses will create commercial searchability factor”

In the startup world and clearly explored by Y Combinator, this is a phenomenon that URL or Search Engine “search option” is only used once or twice for some products. For Example, you don’t search for uber on Google every time you want to take a taxi you just go to the app, same is with Amazon and many big winners take all companies.

So, in thinking through this, we at The Metaverse Street Journal agree with Dirk’s analogy that in the future when mass adoption does happen, you won’t give your URL to your commercial store you would give your Metaverse Land address to your commercial store.

Dirk Lueth added, that “This is his opinion on the next generation of URLs”

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