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高地去 Vroom-Vroom:底特律發射和一點點 Snafu!

高地 已推出底特律!

Upland launches Detroit

Even though after the Phase 1 which started with the launch of “Fox Creek” Neighbourhood in Detroit at 08:00 am, Pacific Standard time followed by “Greenfield” Neighbourhood 5 Minutes later.

隨後是第 2 階段啟動,開放底特律的所有社區進行鑄造。

在此之前一直是成功的,在 25 分鐘左右的時間內,高地開始出現故障。

A user called “Wiscokid” referred to the situation in the #technical-bugs channel of the Upland Discord Server as “still lagging. I can’t click a property to send.. it just gets spinning wheel of death.”

A user called “Wiscokid” referred to the situation in the #technical-bugs channel of the Upland Discord Server as “still lagging. I can’t click a property to send.. it just gets spinning wheel of death.

這讓開發人員和 X1 進入超意識狀態,並在 Upland Metaverse 的情況室觸發了高水平的風險緩解措施。緊隨其後的是 Upland 遊戲很快進入維護階段。


隨後在 Discord Server 中引發了集體憤怒。

Being a devil’s advocate our job is to have a balanced view, users were less than pleased with the tech issues being the cause why someone else minted their desired properties.

At the same time, from a technology stand point – a new city launch with more than 150,000 unique land owners in 高地, descending into the same city, even though in 2D with extremely high resolution Graphics being rendered with lets presume 2% of the total land owners that gives us 3000 users. This could be compared to a micro controlled DDoS Attack, that’s the amount of server load that Upland servers must have been taking in a very short period of time. Which is why upland team often refers to “platform stability” in their new city release notes.

Upland community Influencer – MossiJake, MetaMaps creator & Co-owner of Upx-Spark.Exhange said, “Detroit brings an opportunity  for new players to step into the game, find a hidden gem, and enjoy the ride.”

我們聯繫了 高地 community Influencer – MossiJake,元地圖創建者和 Upx-Spark.Exhange 的共同所有人 said “底特律為新玩家帶來了踏入遊戲、找到隱藏的寶石並享受旅程的機會。

Lastly, we don’t want to be rumor mongering but there has been unconfirmed rumors that now that Detroit the motor city is out the next big launch is cars coming to 高地.

你是真理的仲裁者——我們的讀者 元界街頭雜誌!

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