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METAVERSE 新闻:高地一直在承诺和超额交付的原因!

METAVERSE 新闻:高地一直在承诺和超额交付的原因!

In this Metaverse News, at this moment everyone is pretty familiar with Upland Metaverse and the fact that it has just under 250,000 unique land owners as of Upland’s Genesis week as confirmed by Idan, with a clear eye on 1 Million from Idan Zuckerman, Co-Founder of Upland.

Metaverse News: Celebrating Upland Team!



“Why does Upland consistently underpromise and overachieve? What are the team doing that puts them a class apart from the ‘hyped metaverses’ and why its a benefit?”


有句名言是蟑螂会在核冬天存活下来。这个类比描绘了一个被社会视为弱者的弱者在生存更长时间和繁荣方面具有固有的优势。因为他们被 floccinaucinihilipilification 打折,他们的成就经常被忽视。


尽管高地是独特土地所有者的 #1 元界,但如果您与任何“影响者”或“元界专家”交谈,他们甚至都不了解高地。聪明的人会这样做,但追随炒作的人不会。如果有人要和凯茜哈克尔交谈,她肯定会这样做,她写信是有原因的 “Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World” with Dirk, Yat Siu, Tommaso, John, and not the hyped founders of Meme Metaverses.


这恳求我们 元界街头杂志  问一个问题,Upland 所做的与其他 Metaverses 的不同之处是什么,这使得它们如此成功:

  1. 没有多余的入口和出口:
    Unlike the hyped crypto bros, Upland understands crypto is NOT needed for the Metaverse. It helps, and they do accept crytpo using Tilia Pay, however at the same time, they do not alienate folks who are not comfortable with using crypto and thus allow using Credit Card, Debit Card, Online Banking, or various other Mobile payment Gateways using PayPal, Apple Appstore, Google Play Store. Upland is ironically one of the few Metaverses because of this factor that which has a diverse Demographic – be it age, background, country, religion – Fiat on-ramp and Off-Ramp is paying Dividends to Upland Metaverse.


  2. 1 土地免费提供给所有人和任何人:
    长期以来,Upland 一直是他们最强烈的精神之一的支持者,即每个玩家在到达高地 metaverse 社区时都应该免费获得至少一块土地,并且预计至少会从他们的最终增加一些钱或赚取收入来获得他们的净资产达到 10,000 UPX 成为 Uplander。对于一个新玩家来说,这确实是最好的事情。
  3. 少炒作的社区


  4. 与加密项目不同,批评者并没有沉默,而是受到欢迎:
    So, this not only projects confidence but also shows maturity in the Upland Development Team and the community. If you criticize upland you will NOT be labelled as a “FUDder” you cannot say that about majority of the crypto and crypto linked NFT & Metaverse Projects. Yes, some critics who spam the discord with same message day in day out are issued a warning and only after repeated offenced are banned from the discord. The majority of UCN (Upland Community Network) moderators and the Upland team are pretty nice and open folks who welcome and would acknowledge a few faults and shortcomings in the Upland Metaverse and we acknowledge it, the team doesnt try to hide it. For example, we are NOT able to rent out land to a third party the team is working on it, if someone is impatient and going off insulting someone for not providing it despite the team acknowledging yes, its in the pipeline but would take a few months then that’s just being horrible. The Upland team is trying their best, are they perfect? Absolutely, No! but you know what they Deliver on everything they promise, they may take time, which is fine, but they ALWAYS DELIVER!


  5. 团队被 Doxxed:
    我们清楚地了解从 Yat Siu、Dirk Lueth、Idan Zuckerman、Mani Honigstein 到 Kai Bolik、Riz Virk 和 Michael Terpin 的执行团队。致团队:David、Timur、Shelby、Kelsey、Nicolas、Lindsay、Tommaso、Danny、Danial、John S.、Sam、John A.、Juan、Tati、Lisette 等等,不幸的是,我们只提到了这些我们已经谈过,但我们承认有一支庞大的团队正在执行并保持高地的出色表现。我们无法列出每个人,但是来自高地团队的团队成员和社区领导者的数量绝对惊人,他们就像穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士一样,日复一日地默默祝福我们,没有公众认可,并且我们在 元界街头杂志 承认并尊重他们。他们是保持元宇宙运转的沉默英雄。


  6. UPX 不是加密货币,他们避开了 SEC 及其潜在的愤怒:
    每次加密货币处于低迷状态时,人们总是感谢他们活着的明星 Upland 不是上市加密货币。需要更深入地了解为什么 UPX 不是上市加密货币。首先是当你这样做的那一刻,你把自己置于政府的火线上,尤其是美国的 DOJ 和 SEC。高地将毫无理由地面临首当其冲的风险。此外,使用加密货币,您会面临基于市场因素的资产市场价格标准偏差(波动性)的额外风险。你也可以在陆地上拥有同样的东西,但是投机者和黑客却少了很多,他们无法充分利用。因此,总而言之,UPX 不是上市加密货币,是一个功能,而不是一个错误,因为一次又一次地证明了这一点。


  7. Dirk Lueth、Idan Zuckerman、Mani Honigstein 和 Yat Siu 数十年的综合经验:
    It takes some Due Diligence skills to acknowledge and find out that Dirk Lueth, Idan Zuckerman, Mani Honigstein & Yat Siu have been at the forefront of their respective Niche. Upland Founders have been thought leaders in the gaming as well as the casino industry, and Yat Siu of Animoca Brands has been head of Atari for Germany. It doesn’t take one to be a rocket scientist to realize that team is literally one of the most humble and smartest shop on the block and just the executives combined bring a few decades of experience to the table.
  8. 高地队乐观而谦逊
    高地团队是少数几家做得对的公司之一。他们是旧金山的初创公司,不会试图隐藏或欺骗他人。他们知道什么时候该低头完成工作。事实上,Upland 是仅有的几个元界之一,其中高管有时会直接与您交谈并倾听您的意见。感觉更像是对话,而不是独白。
    In the famous words of Paul Graham the founder of Y Combinator & YC Motto “Make Something People Want” Upland really believes and follows that.


  9. UPX 不是可交易的垃圾币:
    We don’t need to tell people what has happened with GMT/GST & STEPN or Sand or Mana or Gala or AXS tokens. At this time, everyone in Upland is thanking their lucky stars for the genius leadership of our very own 4 Horsemen – Dirk, Idan, Mani, and Yat each one complementing one other. In fact, their points about the reason why it’s not tradeable security are 100% valid.Listing UPX attracts added government scrutiny with not enough risk-to-reward ratio. Also, listing UPX alienates, everyone who is not a crypto maxi. Who wants to be part of technological advancement without being at the mercy of speculators. Finally, it’s not listed to not allow speculators and hackers to exploit the Upland economy and community, similar to how we have recently seen with Ronin Attacks on Axie Infinity (another Animoca Brands portfolio company) and STEPN


  10. 与 Cathy Hackl 和其他 Metaverse 思想领袖合作
    Everyone in the Upland community who has been here for a while knows that the book “Navigating the Metaverse: A Guide to Limitless Possibilities in a Web 3.0 World” was co-authored by 5 authors. 4 of which are from the Upland community and Cathy Hackl.
    It doesn’t take a genius to realize why the “Grandmother of the Metaverse” is working with Upland Metaverse.


  11. 每日婴儿步骤导致长期范式转变:
    Upland takes small steps on a very regular basis to create a long-term lasting impact. Instead of trying to offer the next world’s greatest wonder the week after they are very realistic and do small but significant baby steps on an almost daily basis that snowball into something huge and in the end they create a new paradigm shift. Whether it’s a new city release, cars, 3D they are always at the forefront of innovation in the metaverse.


  12. 他们倾听社区的声音(我们有时可能需要多次重复自己,但最终他们确实会倾听我们的声音)
    Upland 倾听社区的声音,无论是汽车、公用事业、火花交换、法定输出、每日登录火花奖励。高地高管总是倾听社区的声音,这表明了这一点。事实上,你可以给他们发私信,是的,他们可能需要一些时间才能回复,但他们总是这样做。
  13. 他们有一个多元化的团队


  14. 高地价值观,挑战自己观点的人而不是肯定的男人或女人,这在他们的团队构成中表现出来:
    Whether you look at the Brazil team, Squallmuzza or GeneralMort, LightitUpDan or Sheebaverse or Lisette, or X1 or Tati or any of the other team members. Seldom can people say they are the same “yes men and women” that toe the party line. They all seem like controlled healthy rebels – that challenge the status quo and therefore deliver excellence. For anyone who attended or watched the Genesis week events. Each one of the team members is a community leader in their own regard. Be it twitch streams with Squallmuzza & Dan or YouTube with X1 & General Mort. They are leaders of their own Micro Department in their own Regards and the best thing is that it shows!


  15. 高地高管让团队发挥创造力,只给出宏观方向而不是微观管理:
    这就是 Upland 正在制定战略的初创公司的大卫 vs 歌利亚强项,他们让团队成员拥有战略自主权来发挥创造力。他们给了团队基本的红线,但在那之后,团队可以自由地以自己的创造性方式在这些护栏内执行,并保持独特和创新。


  16. 高地社区:
    它们允许社区采取领导立场,特别是现在使用第三方开发人员工具,无论是 LoylDoyl 或 Uplando 或 RadishHead 或 Mossijake 或 House of Spark。高地试图提供帮助,而不是成为创新道路上的障碍。大多数其他元宇宙可以从高地学习这一点,并为社区采取行动,而不是总是强加自己的意愿。


  17. 他们不怕寻求帮助
    Be it the hackathon, designing structural ornaments, cars, or Block Explorers. Upland isn’t afraid to raise their hand and say look people here is what we want to do, but we are not experts in this field will you help us? and that ties down to the humility of the executives as well as the team. They do ask for help, and help is indeed given by an absolutely amazing community. Instead of faking as a perfect demy god creator as if the team was the last angel god-made like most other Crypto, NFT, and Metaverse projects act like. Upland keeps it real. Upland has its good days, sometimes not-so-good days, and sometimes absolutely amazing days. Are they perfect? Far from it, but they are trying their best and they are letting us help them. So, let’s celebrate the Upland Team, the ENTIRE Upland Team all over the World! The people who keep the Metaverse going.


话虽如此,我们希望 Upland 注意到以下几点,我们 MSJ 是 Clubhouse 的早期采用者之一,并看到它从一个边缘技术极客社区转变为一个主流平台。以下是他们所做的一些事情,Upland 可以明智地复制:

  1. 每周一次的市政厅,有 2 路问答
    当 Paul、Rohan 和 Anu 为俱乐部会所开始这个活动时,我们都会虔诚地参加它。它有助于与平台的路线图和开发建立更好的联系。 Upland 应该有一个定期的市政厅与社区讨论,即使是 Upland 正在实施的较小的变化,社区成员也可以在此进行自我介绍,并可能直接向执行团队解释他们的问题或建议。它不需要是一个大型的每周一次的市政厅,而是一个社区实际上可以从团队中一对一地提问的地方。这增加了信任和社区/家庭的感觉,我们的赌注是 元界街头杂志 就是这也会增加每日活跃用户!
  2. 高地支持的聚会:
    如果维加斯在 COVID-19 大流行之后教会了我们一些东西,那就是我们是社会人,我们渴望现实生活中的互动。由高地支持的社区主导的聚会并不需要太多。无论是伦敦、巴黎、迪拜、香港、德里、新加坡还是悉尼。我们总是可以开始创造一种不仅仅是游戏的体验。这也将有助于 Upland 的国际扩张战略,因为您已经拥有一支准备好帮助您进行国际扩张的团队。欢迎您加入您的国际扩张战略 Upland。社区主导的聚会是一种方式。 Upland 应该与国际支持大使合作,他们帮助在世界各地建立一个强大的社区。每个中心城市的当地分会每月至少举行一次聚会。这建立了一个社区。


Mahatma Gandhi once said, “be the change you want to see”. Keeping in line with that, it is our aim to see a better and improved version of Upland. So, we try to make it a reality.


最后,作为临别之念,这篇文章不仅是关于高地的,也是为了庆祝高地团队的每一位成员,包括那些不能参加拉斯维加斯活动的人,无论是 SquallMuzza、LightItUpDan 还是整个团队乌克兰、Lisette 和所有在幕后远程工作且不知疲倦地工作的人,他们没有出席拉斯维加斯创世纪周,但他们让整个体验顺利进行并且更好。

你是真理的仲裁者——我们的读者 元界街头杂志

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