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Meta 旗下公司 Facebook 首次展示其第一家商店和企业工具



Meta 旗下公司 Facebook 首次展示其第一家商店和企业工具


加利福尼亚州,伯林格姆 – 拥有 Facebook 的 Meta Platforms 推出了第一家实体店,其中包括在其虚拟现实耳机上的落地屏幕游戏和用于测试视频聊天小工具的空间。

The shop, which was launched on May 9, is situated in Burlingame, California, inside Meta’s Reality Labs headquarters. Ray-Ban smart glasses, Portal video-calling devices, and Oculus VR headsets are among the hardware goods that Meta hopes to offer there.


The shop’s design, which features blonde wood and simple furnishings, is reminiscent of Apple Inc’s retail store design from more than two decades ago.

The Meta shop represents a speculative future business for the world’s biggest social media firm, which has spent substantially on virtual and augmented reality in a bid to bring the “metaverse,” a word for immersive, shared virtual worlds, a reality. It is uncertain if this will be a phygital shop or a standard physical shop.

根据 Facebook 首席执行官的说法,元宇宙 马克·扎克伯格, might be the world’s next great computing platform, but he has cautioned that the company’s investments could take a decade to pay off.

与此同时,随着增长放缓,Meta 正在减少部分长期投资,而且该公司仍然几乎完全依赖数字广告来获取收入。

Meta 除了向消费者提供硬件产品外,还积极向公司推销其硬件产品。它还组织电话会议,其中可能包括虚拟现实头像和商店的常规视频通话。

据 Meta Platforms 专注于企业产品的产品管理高级总监 Micah Collins 称,该公司正在试验增强现实技术,该技术将允许用户通过 Portal 以虚拟形象的身份参加会议,而无需佩戴耳机。

一位发言人表示,Collins 表示,企业 Metaverse 业务仍处于起步阶段,VR 会议工具 Horizon Workrooms 的大部分使用来自 Meta 内部。尽管如此,柯林斯表示,该公司看到了潜力。

Despite the fact that many goods are still in the early stages of development and are unknown outside of their consumer context, “there’s enough there to give us a lot of confidence to attack the sector,” he says.

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